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Dental Implants

They are an excellent means of replacing missing teeth. A Titanium implant is implanted in the toothless area of the jawbone. The jawbone fuses with the titanium surface providing a strong anchorage for the dental implant. The dental implant functions as a support for the dental prosthesis constructed over it.
It can treat cases untreatable with conventional methods of dental bridges and dentures.
It can prevent further resorption of the jaw bone following toothloss.
It can perfectly restore chewing function.
It avoids cutting of natural adjacent teeth for support as used in bridges.
It helps restore a patients self-esteem and confidence since it gives the feeling of regaining the real teeth.
It functions better than conventional dental bridges and dentures.
It gives superior aesthetic results.
You will be a suitable candidate for dental implant if you fulfil the following requirements :

You must be medically fit to undergo ordinary surgery, although there are hardly any contraindications.

Your jaw must have enough bone to support the Implant.

An evaluation with diagnostic records and a OPG X-Ray or in some cases C.T. Scan which is a 3-dimensional type x-ray that accurately measures the amount of bone remaining to anchor the implants. If not enough bone then bone grafting may be required.

You must understand what the treatment can offer.

You must realize to what extent the treatment can meet your expectations.
You should consider dental implants when :

You do not want to have your natural teeth cut down which is required in making your conventional bridge.
You cannot wear or chew well with your denture.
You cannot tolerate denture in your mouth.
You do not want to damage your remaining teeth from wearing a partial denture.
You have lost your back teeth making it impossible to construct fixed bridge.
You have a long toothless span which is not indicated for making a conventional dental bridge.
You want the most effective way of restoring your chewing function.
You want superior aesthetic results with your tooth replacement.
Statistics indicate that they may last in excess of 35 years. Once successfully integrated, by proficient dental implantologists, with the surrounding bone, dental implants have a long-term potential as natural teeth, if properly taken care of.
The current cylinder type of titanium has been used in excess of 30 years. Dental Implants were invented in 1957 in Stockholm, Sweden. They were then tested in the 1960's and introduced in Europe and the U.S. in the 1970's and early 1980's. Dental Implants are safe and provide for an excellent option for people with missing teeth.
Highly successful. Carried out by experienced dental implantologists, dental implants boast low infection potential, no rejection by the body, ninety-five to ninety-eight percent success rate for the lower jaw, and eighty-six to ninety-two percent success rate for the upper jaw. However, dental implants must be maintained by the patient with proper oral hygiene and frequent dental exams and cleanings.